Electronic eye controlled Security System.
Electronic eye is also called magic
eye. As the automation is emerging technology these days.Just imagine a door bell that automatically rings when a person visit your home. This also provides security
when any person is trying to enter into your
home without your permission.Electronic eye is the electronic
that continuously watches if anyone is visiting your home.
Main Principle :-
The main principle of the circuit is to
ring the door bell when there is any person at the entrance. Light on the LDR
determines whether a person is present or not. When there is any object at the
entrance, LDR is in dark and buzzer starts ringing and the LED starts glowing.
Regulator IC
(BC 547- Q1,Q2)
5.Diodes (IN4007-D1,D2)
6.LDR (Light Dependent Resistor )
7.LED (Light Emitting Diode)
9.Battery (DC 9V)
Block diagram :-
Block diagram of Electronic eye security
Circuit Diagram :-
diagram of Electronic eye security system
PCB Diagram 1 For Implement on Copper Plate
PCB Diagram 2 Show in Project Report.
Working :-
This circuit can be divided into two
parts. One is the power supply and the other is logic circuit. In the power
supply 9v supply is converted to the 5v .The logic circuit operates the buzzer
when any shadow falls on it.
Power supply circuit consists of
battery, diode, regulators and capacitors. Initially a 9v battery is connected
to the diode. Diode used here is a P-N junction diode of 1N4007 series. In this
circuit 1N4007 is connected in the forward bias condition .The main purpose of
the diode in this circuit is to protect the circuit from negative voltages.
There is a chance of connecting battery with reverse polarities which damages
the circuit. So P-N junction diode connected in the forward bias allows the
current to flow only in one direction and thus the circuit can be protected
.There is some voltage drop across the diode. A voltage of 0.7V is dropped
across the diode.
A regulator is used for regulating the
output voltage of the circuit .The regulator IC used here is 7805.78 represents
the series and 05 represents the output voltage .Thus a voltage of 5v is
produced at the output of the regulator .Two capacitors are used before and
after the regulator .These two capacitors eliminate the ripples .Thus a
constant voltage is produced at the output of the regulator, which is applied
to the logic circuit.
The logic circuit mainly consists of
Light Dependent Resistor, transistors, Op-amp IC and a buzzer. A 220KOhm
resistor is connected in series to the LDR. Light dependent resistor will have
resistance in mega ohms when it is placed in dark. This resistance value will
decrease gradually when it is placed in the light. Thus there is a variation in
the series resistances. When the LDR is in dark it has high resistance and
produces the logic high value at the output .
When the LDR is in light, the
resistance value of the LDR decreases and at the not gate it gives logic low
voltage. The op-amp IC used is LM 358.This IC compares the two inputs and
produces an output which is applied to the transistor. Two transistor are
connected to the buzzer from these resistances. The first transistor inverts
the input from the op-amp. The second transistor drives the buzzer. The diode
is placed for protection. Buzzer used here is a 5v magnetic buzzer. It has two
pin at the output. One pin is connected to the not gate and the other pin is
connected to the Light Emitting Diode.LED is used for indication only. When the
output from logic gate is high buzzer starts ringing. Led also starts blinking.
Applications :-
1.This can be used in door bell
2.This can be used in garage door
opening circuits.
3.Electronic eye can be used in
security applications.
Limitations :-
1.Light is required in front of door
2.If any person come in & out then
the bell is ringing.
View PPT.
Electronic eye is also called magic
eye. As the automation is emerging technology these days.Just imagine a door bell that automatically rings when a person visit your home. This also provides security
when any person is trying to enter into your
home without your permission.Electronic eye is the electronic
that continuously watches if anyone is visiting your home.
Main Principle :-
The main principle of the circuit is to ring the door bell when there is any person at the entrance. Light on the LDR determines whether a person is present or not. When there is any object at the entrance, LDR is in dark and buzzer starts ringing and the LED starts glowing.
Regulator IC
(BC 547- Q1,Q2)
5.Diodes (IN4007-D1,D2)
6.LDR (Light Dependent Resistor )
7.LED (Light Emitting Diode)
9.Battery (DC 9V)
Block diagram :-
Block diagram of Electronic eye security
Circuit Diagram :-
diagram of Electronic eye security system
PCB Diagram 1 For Implement on Copper Plate
PCB Diagram 2 Show in Project Report.
Working :-
1.Light is required in front of door
2.If any person come in & out then
the bell is ringing.
View PPT.
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